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How AI and Data Can Transform Your Sales: Insights from Zaid Ammari

If you're into marketing, technology, or just curious about how data can boost sales, you won't want to miss this. One of the speakers, Zaid Ammari, is a big name in the world of data-driven digital marketing. He’s the founder of PPC Masterminds, a company that helps businesses create and run successful data-driven campaigns. Let’s break down how AI and data can transform your sales and what insights you can expect to hear from Zaid Ammari.

Who is Zaid Ammari?

Zaid Ammari is an expert in digital marketing.

He specializes in using data to make smart decisions that help businesses grow. With PPC Masterminds, he’s helped countless companies run profitable campaigns by focusing on analytics and actionable insights. In simple terms, he knows how to look at numbers and data, figure out what they mean, and use them to improve marketing strategies.

How AI and Data Can Transform Your Sales: Insights from Zaid Ammari

What Will Zaid and Other Panelists Will Talk About?

AI-Powered Social Commerce: Leveraging Data for Enhanced Sales

When: October 10th, 15:10-16:00 EST/New York time

Zaid's first talk is about AI-powered social commerce. This might sound complex, but it’s really about how artificial intelligence (AI) can help businesses sell more products through social media.

Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  • Understanding Social Commerce: Social commerce is selling products directly through social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. These platforms are not just for sharing photos or videos anymore. They’ve become powerful tools for businesses to reach customers and make sales.

  • Role of AI in Social Commerce: AI can analyze huge amounts of data to understand customer behavior and preferences. This helps businesses know what products people are interested in and when they are most likely to buy.

  • Personalized Shopping Experience: AI can create a personalized shopping experience for each customer. For example, if you like sports, AI can show you more sports-related products.

  • Boosting Sales with Data: By leveraging data, businesses can create targeted ads that are more likely to attract customers. This means more sales and happier customers.

When it comes to artificial intelligence, machine learning is retailers go-to AI use across all business types.

When it comes to artificial intelligence, machine learning is retailers go-to AI use across all business types. Source: Statista

Automated Market Basket Analysis: Identifying Patterns and Cross-Selling Opportunities

When: October 11th, 13:30-14:20 EST/New York time

The second topic Zaid will cover is automated market basket analysis. This might sound like something you do at a grocery store, but it’s actually a powerful tool for any business that sells products.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • What is Market Basket Analysis? Market basket analysis is a technique used to understand what products are often bought together. For example, if someone buys bread, they might also buy butter.

  • How Automation Helps: Automating this process means using software to quickly and accurately identify these patterns. This saves time and makes the analysis more efficient.

  • Identifying Patterns: By looking at data, businesses can see patterns in customer purchases. This helps them understand what products go well together.

  • Cross-Selling Opportunities: Once businesses know what products are often bought together, they can suggest additional products to customers. This is called cross-selling. For example, if you’re buying a phone, the store might suggest a phone case or screen protector.

Why Should You Care?

You might be wondering why all this matters.

Here are a few reasons:

  1. Better Shopping Experience: For customers, this means a more personalized and enjoyable shopping experience. You’ll see products that match your interests and needs.

  2. Smart Business Decisions: For businesses, using data and AI helps make smarter decisions. This leads to more sales, less wasted effort, and happier customers.

  3. Staying Competitive: In today’s world, businesses need to stay competitive. Those that use data and AI effectively are more likely to succeed.

AInsights360: Marketing Week

How Can You Apply This?

Even if you’re not a business owner, understanding these concepts can be useful. Maybe you want to start a small online store, or you’re just curious about how the ads you see are so relevant. Knowing how data and AI work together can give you insights into the world of digital marketing.

Don't miss the chance to learn from Zaid Ammari at AInsights360: Marketing Week! Mark your calendars for October 10th and 11th to catch his sessions. Whether you're a business owner, a marketing enthusiast, or just curious about the power of data, these talks are for you. Join us and see how data-driven marketing can make a difference.

To register for free and learn more about the schedule, visit the AInsights360: Marketing Week page here.


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